Reflecting on the Amplification of Rural Youth Voices in Transnational Spaces

The Kuyenda Collective is set to convene for its annual reflection and learning session from April 16th to April 18th, 2024, in Johannesburg, South Africa. This three-day gathering will bring together members of the Kuyenda Alliance, including transnational partners Public Service Accountability Monitor (PSAM) and Stimulus Africa, as well as country partners FAWEMA, CESC, Mozambique, Teach for Zimbabwe, and Policy Forum. Additionally, representatives from Rural Youth Collectives in the participating countries Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe will also be in attendance.
The primary objective of this gathering is to reflect on the achievements following the capacitation of and collaboration with rural youth collectives since the project’s inception. The sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to map out key learnings, engage in reflective conversations, assess the project’s theory of change against its implementation outcomes, and chart a course for the next phase of the project. The sessions will be structured to facilitate open dialogue, knowledge sharing, and strategic planning. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange insights, share best practices, and explore innovative approaches to advocacy that they have explored.
As the Kuyenda Collective embarks on the next phase of the project, the participants are poised to leverage their collective strength and expertise to drive transformative change through continuing its work in the amplification of rural youth voices in transnational spaces.